Essential Gear For New Preppers. As a new prepper, you recognize the importance of being prepared for any unforeseen situation. Whether it be natural disasters or societal disruptions, having the right gear can make all the difference in keeping you and your loved ones safe. In this article, you will discover a selection of essential gear that every new prepper should consider acquiring, equipping you with the tools necessary to navigate challenging circumstances with resilience and confidence. From food and water supplies to communication devices and shelter options, this comprehensive guide will assist you in building a reliable and practical prepping arsenal.

Emergency Food Supply


When it comes to emergency preparedness, having an adequate supply of water is crucial. In dire situations, clean and safe drinking water may become scarce. It is recommended that each person have at least one gallon of water per day for drinking and sanitation purposes. To ensure you have enough water to sustain yourself and your family during an emergency, stock up on bottled water or invest in a water storage system. It is also a good idea to have water purification tablets or a water filter bottle as backup options for when your water supply runs out.

Non-perishable Foods

In times of crisis, access to fresh food may be limited. That’s why it’s important to stock up on non-perishable food items that have a long shelf life. Canned goods such as beans, vegetables, and fruits are excellent choices as they provide essential nutrients. Other options include dried fruits, jerky, nuts, and protein bars. Choose foods that are easy to prepare and require minimal cooking, as you may not have access to a fully functional kitchen during an emergency. Remember to regularly rotate your stock to ensure freshness.

Cooking Utensils

Having the right cooking utensils can make a big difference when it comes to preparing meals during an emergency. Invest in a camping stove or a portable propane grill that can be used outdoors. These options provide a reliable source of heat for cooking. Don’t forget to include a set of mess kits, which typically consist of plates, bowls, cups, and utensils designed for outdoor use. Additionally, pack a manual can opener, a portable camping stove, and fuel canisters. These tools will allow you to heat up canned foods or cook simple meals even without access to electricity.

First Aid Kit

Basic Medical Supplies

No emergency preparedness plan is complete without a well-stocked first aid kit. It is essential to have basic medical supplies on hand to handle minor injuries or medical emergencies that may arise during a crisis. Your first aid kit should include adhesive bandages, gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, adhesive tape, scissors, tweezers, and disposable gloves. It is also important to include over-the-counter medications such as pain relievers, antihistamines, and anti-diarrheal medications.

Prescription Medications

If you or your family members rely on prescription medications, it is crucial to ensure that you have an ample supply stored away in your emergency kit. Talk to your healthcare provider about obtaining extra prescriptions for your essential medications. Remember to rotate your medication stockpile regularly to maintain freshness, and check expiration dates to ensure effectiveness.

Emergency Medical Guide

In high-stress situations, it can be challenging to think clearly and remember proper medical procedures. Including an emergency medical guide in your first aid kit can provide vital instructions when you need them most. Look for a comprehensive guide that covers a wide range of medical emergencies, including CPR, wound care, and other life-saving techniques. Familiarize yourself with the contents of the guide and practice the procedures when possible to ensure you can confidently handle emergencies.

Essential Gear For New Preppers

Communication Devices

Hand-crank Radio

During an emergency, staying informed about the situation is crucial. A hand-crank radio is an essential communication device that allows you to access important news updates and emergency broadcasts. These radios are powered by manual cranking, eliminating the need for batteries or electricity. Look for a model that offers multiple power options, such as solar charging or USB charging, to ensure you can always stay connected, even in prolonged emergencies.

Two-Way Radios

When traditional communication methods fail, two-way radios can be a reliable means of communication within your household or with neighboring families. These radios operate on specific frequencies and do not rely on cell phone towers or internet connectivity. Make sure to choose radios with a long-range capability, especially if you live in a rural area. Assigning specific channels and protocols to communicate with family members or neighbors will help keep everyone coordinated and informed during an emergency.


In situations where you may need to attract attention or signal for help, a whistle can be a lifesaver. It is a small and lightweight tool that can be easily carried with you at all times. A whistle’s high-pitched sound can travel long distances and alert others to your presence, even in noisy or chaotic surroundings. Attach a whistle to your keychain or keep it within reach in your emergency kit to increase your chances of being heard during critical times.

Emergency Lighting


Power outages are common during emergencies, making flashlights an essential tool for providing reliable and portable lighting. Invest in high-quality, durable flashlights that can withstand rough handling and adverse weather conditions. Battery-powered flashlights are practical, but consider using rechargeable ones or including extra batteries in your emergency kit. It is also beneficial to keep flashlights in multiple locations throughout your home, ensuring you always have easy access to reliable lighting.


For hands-free illumination, headlamps are invaluable. Whether you’re cooking, repairing something, or navigating in the dark, a headlamp provides practical and efficient lighting. Look for headlamps with adjustable brightness settings and a comfortable strap for extended wear. Headlamps with a red light mode are particularly useful in preserving night vision and minimizing visibility to others in certain situations.

Emergency Candles

When longer-lasting lighting is required, emergency candles can provide a steady source of illumination. These candles are specifically designed to burn for an extended period, typically up to nine hours. Place them in a stable candle holder and keep them away from flammable materials. Having a stash of emergency candles in your emergency kit can provide much-needed light and a sense of comfort during extended power outages.

Essential Gear For New Preppers

Survival Tools


A multi-tool is a versatile tool that combines several functions into one compact device. It often includes a knife blade, pliers, screwdrivers, bottle openers, and more. Having a multi-tool in your emergency kit can prove invaluable in various situations, from repairing broken equipment to opening cans and bottles. Look for a durable and reputable brand, and familiarize yourself with its various functions to make the most of this versatile tool.

Fire Starter Kit

Fire is crucial for warmth, cooking, and warding off potential threats during an emergency. A fire starter kit ensures you can efficiently and safely start a fire when needed. Include waterproof matches or lighters, as well as fire-starting materials such as tinder or fire starters. It is also wise to pack a small axe or hatchet for splitting wood, allowing you to maintain a steady supply of fuel for your fire.

Pocket Knife

A reliable pocket knife is a valuable tool for any emergency situation. Its versatility and utility make it indispensable for tasks such as cutting ropes or cords, opening packages, or even defending yourself. Look for a pocket knife with a sturdy blade, a locking mechanism for added safety, and a compact size that can easily fit in your pocket or emergency kit. Remember to keep the blade sharp and practice using it safely and effectively.

Personal Hygiene Items

Toilet Paper

Even during emergencies, maintaining personal hygiene is essential for overall health and well-being. Toilet paper is a basic necessity that often gets overlooked in emergency preparedness plans. Ensure you have an ample supply of toilet paper stored away to avoid any discomfort or unhygienic situations. Keep in mind that during extended emergencies, alternatives such as wet wipes or even a portable bidet may become more necessary.

Hand Sanitizer

In situations where access to soap and water is limited, hand sanitizer can help maintain proper hand hygiene. Look for hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol content, as this ensures effective disinfection. Keep travel-sized bottles in your emergency kit and remember to regularly check the expiration dates to maintain their effectiveness.

Feminine Hygiene Products

For women, maintaining personal hygiene during emergencies can be particularly challenging. Stock up on an adequate supply of feminine hygiene products, such as sanitary pads or tampons, to ensure comfort and cleanliness. Remember to rotate your stock regularly and consider including reusable options like menstrual cups or cloth pads for sustainability and longer-term use.

Shelter and Bedding


Having a reliable shelter option is crucial for staying safe and protected during emergencies. Consider investing in a sturdy tent that can comfortably accommodate your family. Look for tents with waterproof and wind-resistant features, as they will help shield you from the elements. Familiarize yourself with the setup process and practice assembling the tent before an emergency arises to reduce stress and ensure a quick and efficient setup.

Sleeping Bags

During emergencies, a warm and comfortable sleeping bag is essential for a good night’s rest. Opt for sleeping bags designed for cold weather conditions and choose ones with good insulation properties. Additionally, consider the size and weight of the sleeping bags, as compact and lightweight options are easier to transport. It’s worth investing in high-quality sleeping bags that will keep you warm and protected for extended periods.

Emergency Blankets

Emergency blankets, also known as space blankets, are lightweight and compact, making them an excellent addition to your emergency kit. These blankets are made of a reflective material that helps retain body heat, providing insulation and warmth. They are typically used in emergencies to prevent hypothermia or as an extra layer of protection against the elements. Pack multiple emergency blankets to ensure everyone in your family has one when needed.

Water Filtration

Water Filter Bottle

In situations where clean drinking water is scarce, a water filter bottle can be a lifesaver. These bottles are equipped with built-in filters that remove impurities and contaminants, making water safe to drink. Look for bottles with filters that are effective against bacteria, protozoa, and chemicals. Water filter bottles are convenient, as they allow you to purify water on the go, whether you’re in a wilderness or urban setting.

Water Purification Tablets

Water purification tablets are an essential backup option for purifying water when other methods are not available. These tablets typically contain chlorine or iodine, which kill harmful microorganisms present in water. It is important to carefully follow the instructions provided with the tablets to ensure effective purification. Keep a supply of water purification tablets in your emergency kit, particularly when traveling to areas with uncertain water sources.

Water Filtration System

For more extensive water filtration needs, such as when you’re preparing for long-term emergencies or preparing an emergency shelter, investing in a water filtration system is highly recommended. These systems can filter larger quantities of water, removing contaminants and ensuring a safe drinking supply. Look for compact and portable options that can easily be set up and provide sufficient water for you and your family’s needs.

Emergency Cash

Small Bills

During emergencies, access to banks and ATMs may be limited, making it essential to have a stash of emergency cash. Keep a supply of small bills, such as one-dollar and five-dollar bills, on hand. These smaller denominations are useful for purchasing essential items or services when exact change is needed or when larger bills are not easily accepted. Having a variety of denominations ensures you can pay for goods and services without relying on exact change.


While coins may seem inconsequential, they can be highly valuable during emergencies. In situations where traditional electronic payment methods are unavailable, having spare change can make a difference. Vending machines, payphones, or even small businesses may still accept coins as a form of payment. Consider stocking up on a variety of coins, including quarters, dimes, and nickels, to ensure you have the means to make small purchases if needed.

Emergency Fund

In addition to small bills and coins, it is wise to establish an emergency fund that consists of larger bills or savings in a separate account. An emergency fund provides a safety net in case of prolonged emergencies or unforeseen circumstances that require significant financial resources. Set aside a portion of your income regularly and build up your emergency fund over time. This financial buffer will provide peace of mind and ensure you can handle unexpected expenses during emergencies.

Self-defense Tools

Pepper Spray

Personal safety is a top priority during emergencies, especially in situations where law enforcement may be limited. Pepper spray is a non-lethal self-defense tool that can temporarily disable an assailant, giving you a chance to escape. Choose a reputable brand and familiarize yourself with the proper use and legal regulations in your area. Practice using pepper spray in a safe environment and keep it easily accessible in case of emergencies.

Security Alarm

A security alarm is an effective deterrent against intruders and can provide an added layer of protection for your property or emergency shelter. Look for compact and portable security alarms that emit a loud noise when triggered. These alarms often have different modes, including motion detection or door/window sensors. Consider investing in an alarm system that can be easily mounted or deployed in different areas and adapt to various emergency scenarios.

Self-defense Classes

While it is essential to have self-defense tools, such as pepper spray or security alarms, they are most effective when accompanied by proper training. Consider enrolling in self-defense classes or workshops that teach you practical techniques for personal safety. These classes can provide valuable skills and knowledge in recognizing potential threats, de-escalating situations, and defending yourself if necessary. Regular practice and confidence-building exercises can greatly enhance your ability to protect yourself and your loved ones during emergencies.

Conclusion Essential Gear For New Preppers

In conclusion, building an emergency preparedness kit with the essential gear outlined above is a vital step in ensuring your safety and well-being during emergencies.
Water, non-perishable foods, and cooking utensils are essential for maintaining hydration and proper nutrition.

First aid kits equipped with basic medical supplies, prescription medications, and an emergency medical guide help address injuries, illnesses, and medical emergencies.

Communication devices such as hand-crank radios, two-way radios, and whistles provide means of staying informed, coordinating with others, and attracting attention when needed. Emergency lighting, including flashlights, headlamps, and emergency candles, ensures visibility in the dark and provides a sense of comfort during power outages.

Survival tools like multi-tools, fire starter kits, and pocket knives empower you to overcome various challenges and tasks. Personal hygiene items such as toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and feminine hygiene products promote cleanliness and prevent the spread of diseases. Shelter and bedding equipment, including tents, sleeping bags, and emergency blankets, offer protection and comfort during emergencies.

Water filtration tools like water filter bottles, water purification tablets, and water filtration systems ensure access to clean drinking water. A supply of emergency cash, including small bills and coins, along with an emergency fund, provides financial security when banking services are limited or unavailable.

Lastly, self-defense tools, such as pepper spray, security alarms, and self-defense classes, empower you with the means to protect yourself and your loved ones. By investing in these essential gears and regularly maintaining and updating your emergency preparedness kit, you can face emergencies with confidence and resilience.